Thank you for considering making a gift to Brunel University London. Your support helps us offer a world class educational experience for all.

Frequently Asked Questions

Alumni and donor support allows us to provide scholarships, bursaries, awards, help for students in financial difficulty and enhance the experience for students during their time at Brunel. Donations to the Annual Fund make up a significant portion of our student support budget and help us plan for the future.

Your gift to our Annual Fund will support one of our scholarships and funds for gifted academics, musicians, artists, athletes and those from disadvantaged backgrounds. 100% of the funds raised go directly to providing material support for students. You can specify if you would like the donation to support a specific fund or for the area of greatest need.

The support you provide our students can be life-changing for those that receive it and gives students opportunities that set them up for life. We can’t emphasise this enough. Everyone that donates at any level - even £5 a month - is ensuring that another individual has an opportunity to succeed that they may not have otherwise had.

Brunel University London is an exempt charity with the Charity Tax No: XN7223 and Royal Charter No: RC000079.
We are registered with the Fundraising Regulator and we fundraise in-line with the Code of Fundraising Practice. Please also review our Privacy Policy and our Fundraising Code of Practice for the Acceptance of Donations for further information on our data protection and fundraising practices.

How do i donate?

To make a single credit card donation please press the "Donate" button at the top of the page, select the amount you wish to contribute and go through the step by step process.

You can also donate through the following methods:

If you want to make a recurring gift or a donation by direct debit, please select the "Donate" button at the top of the page, select the amount you wish to contribute and go through the step by step process. 

We gratefully receive CAF Vouchers and Cheques and by return can send you a Gift Aid form to maximise your donation. You can post a Cheque or CAF Voucher to us at the following address: 

Development and Alumni Relations Office 

Brunel University of London 

Kingston Lane




If you would like to talk to someone in the Development Team about making a donation over the telephone, to request a Direct Debit form or if you would like more information about how your gifts support Brunel University, please call us on 01895 267776.

You can also email us to request a Direct Debit form or for any further information about how you can make a donation at

If you would like to receive further information about leaving a gift in your will, please contact the alumni team on 01895 267776 or at

Making regular donations through Payroll Giving is an easy way to show your support to Brunel. Donations are tax-free, so for example, giving £5 a month will cost you just £4.

To find out more and set up your donation please visit and select Brunel University London from the list of available charities.