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Ellie Prohan & Friends Charity Sports Day

Ellie Prohan DJ, Radio & TV presenter (Kiss FM & Kiss Fresh) is gearing up for an all-star fundraiser this May with a classic sports day event at her alma mater. Tickets are available now - grab yours before they're gone!

Prohan is hoping to raise money around this event for two funds close to her heart – the Young Urban Arts Foundation and her former university Brunel’s fund for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic researchers – continuing in the spirit of her ongoing Ellie Prohan & Friends project.

We know that Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic students are underrepresented at PhD level - undergraduate level, nearly 6% of students are Black or mixed Black heritage, however just 1.2% of nearly 20,000 PhDs funded between 2016 and 2018 went to Black students.

Researchers of colour are more likely to be struggling financially and have less access to opportunities. This fund is set up to facilitate the process for students from diverse backgrounds to take advantage of opportunities that are part of the doctoral journey - whether attending a research conference, covering childcare to enable research to be carried out, or access to additional materials.

Ellie Prohan & Friends events are trying to level the playing field for marginalised groups – including ethnic, sexual and gender minorities – as well as creating a platform for new and emerging talent in the UK scene. The DJ’s been bringing top-tier artists and influencers together for one-off events for a while now. So far, she’s organised an all-star football match for World Mental Health Day, hosted Carnival rooftop parties and even organised a So Solid Crew Christmas reunion party with UKG legend Lisa Maffia. Prohan & Friends have raised funds for the Samaritans, The Black Curriculum, Crisis, YUAF, Hammersmith Foodbank and Refuge, a charity for domestic abuse survivors.

All ticket sales and donations to the Ellie Prohan & Friends Charity Sports Day will be split evenly between the Brunel fund for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic researchers & Young Urban Arts Foundation. Thank you for your support!

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